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 IoT in Metamorphic Manufacturing and Supply Chain

Thursday, May 9

8:00 – 9:30 AM

Midtown Tech Hive

(6815 Euclid Ave. Cleveland OH)


The impact of IoT stretches across all aspects of businesses from the manufacturing floor to relationships along the supply chain. This event will explore how IoT is changing business practices from Operations Technology to Information Technology with concrete examples of what has already taken place and what is just over the horizon.


John Lewandowski’s talk will speak about how Metamorphic Manufacturing (“Robotic Blacksmithing”) will allow companies new levels of reproducibility, traceability, high productivity, and manufacturing agility. This new innovation and John’s insights aim to help jump-start this potentially disruptive technology.  Jen-Yi Chen’s talk focuses on IoT as a key enabling technology for Industry 4.0, IoT provides great business opportunities for companies to better manage not only their in-house operations but also supply chain with their partners. How are successful companies using IoT to better match supply and demand? What are the IoT trends and challenges in supply chain management?


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