Technology engineers at work
The Lab
Cuyahoga County
Smart City Project Overview

The Lab @ Cuyahoga County is a way for the county and other public sector organizations to be a test bed for local entrepreneurs and businesses new products, ideas and services.  It provides businesses with access to data, subject matter expertise, facilities and infrastructure to test their product or service in a real world environment.

Organization's mission and/or purpose

 To drive regional growth, economic opportunity and individual well-being by mobilizing cross-sector resources and providing superior services.

  • Cleveland Metroparks
  • Cuyahoga County Library
  • Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA)
Project Links

The Lab @ Cuyahoga County connects local entrepreneurs and businesses with public sector partners to test new ideas, products, or services in a real-world environment for 12 to 16 weeks. Transforming Cuyahoga County into a living lab for the latest innovations, The Lab provides local entrepreneurs and businesses with the subject matter expertise, data, and customer feedback needed to make the jump from product ideation and validation to product launch.

Project point

Catherine Tkachyk

Technology engineers at work


Project Status

Organization Type

Methods Used

Project Impact Areas